Friday, December 20, 2013

Home Treatment For Bed Bugs

The Blood sucking bed bugs were at one time a regular health pest worldwide, declining in occurrence through the mid twentieth century. 

But in recent times, bed bugs have experienced a memorable resurgence and there are worldwide reports of expanding amounts of infestations. 

They are one of the most irritating creatures of the planet and are promptly transported through baggage, dress, sheets and furniture. Read on to figure out how to dispose them off away from your place.

Wash anything that is prone to bed bugs

Their population is difficult to control and hence it is imperative to make sure that you regularly wash anything or everything that may be infected. It can be your office bag, or your kid’s school bag, a bed sheet or the couch covering. 

Anything that comes in contact with the bed has to have at least one bed bug sticking to it and that one has the potential to raise the population even more. Ensure that the washing is done in hot water, since it’s the best way to kill the bugs.

Give a nice vacuuming

After you are done with the washing, dry vacuum the whole space, the carpets, the curtains and the upholstered furniture just to keep the whole thing dry and away from any risk of microbial growth. Make sure it’s done properly at the corners and edges, where most of the bugs inhabit and multiply.

Swab everything down

Make use of a disinfectant or an insecticide to ensure that everything is free of possible infestations. Cleaning is the key to get rid of these bed bugs and hence swabbing the whole thing after Vacuuming is an essential step. Although, make sure that the chemical is not harmful to the kids or the pet.

Apply the heat and steam method

Bed bugs don’t stand a chance where there is an extremely high temperature atmosphere all around them. Heat is their biggest weakness and you need to exploit it at the best. 

Steam off your mattress with a bed bug steamer and you can see that population going down almost immediately. 

Remember that it’s not only about killing the infestation, but also about destroying all those eggs they have laid everywhere and this is where a steamer does the perfect job. If you don't have a steamer available to you, a pest control company like YalePest Elimination in CT can do the job for you. 

Keep your mattress in an encasement 

A mattress encasement is a great way to protect yourself from being bitten by the bed bugs every night, since they cover the whole thing and make it impossible for the bugs to escape. You can also have an encasement for the pillow in order to avoid being bitten on the neck or the face. 

As an advantage you can trap the bug into the casement and dry heat the same under natural sunlight to destroy them off completely.

All in all, one just cannot simply end the existence of bed bugs in their homes, but yes, it can be definitely controlled down to almost nil. 

The rule of the thumb is to keep the things dry, vacuum regularly and make sure the “hot” factor is there.